While exercises Python
I propose other exercises with the while in Python before moving on to other arguments. While exercises Python – First exercise Take 15 numbers as input and calculate the average.…
I propose other exercises with the while in Python before moving on to other arguments. While exercises Python – First exercise Take 15 numbers as input and calculate the average.…
In Python the count method on the list data structure is used to count the number of occurrences of an element in the main list, but not within any sublists.…
In Python the len method on the list allows us to get the number of elements in a list, ultimately it indicates the length of a list in Python. The…
You can sort a dictionary in Python by key or by value. Let’s do some practical examples of sorting in Python according to our needs. All the proposed examples can…
Python continue statement allows us to stop the current iteration to start over from the first statement of the loop (for or while) in which it was entered. Python continue…
Break in loops in Python – In this lesson we will study how to use the break statement in loops. This instruction is useful when we want to terminate the…
Let’s do some exercises with the for loop in Python, in order to consolidate what we have studied so far. For this purpose, let’s go back to an exercise in…
List in Python is an ordered series of values identified by an index. So a list is a composite data that aggregates values of any type, enclosed in a pair…
In this lesson we will study the for loop in Python and introduce the range() function. In the last lesson we studied the while loop, which allows you to repeat…
In Python, the popitem method, on dictionaries, removes the last key: value pair entered in the dictionary. Furthermore, this method adds the deleted pair as a tuple. This method has…
In Python, the pop method on the dictionary, allows you to remove an element from the dictionary in question. The method accepts two parameters, one mandatory, the other optional. The…
The Python items method on dictionary is used to return the list with all the dictionary keys with values. This method takes no parameters, so the syntax is very simple:…
The Python keys method on dictionary returns an object that contains all the keys of the dictionary under examination. This method has no parameters, so the syntax is simply as…
We continue to explain the use of dict in Python through practical examples. dict Python – first example So let’s write a program that generates a dictionary of n elements…
In this lesson we will study a Python method, get(), for use on a dictionary. The Python get() method returns the value of the specified key, if it exists in…
In this lesson I propose a series of exercises on how to create a dictionary in Python, to learn new concepts. Create dictionary in Python – first exercise The first…
I propose solutions to solve the algorithm that finds in Python the max number among three numbers taken as input, without using lists. As mentioned in previous lessons, there is…
In this lesson we will write a Python program to find the maximum between two numbers, in order to put into practice what we have studied so far. Python Program…