JavaScript search
JavaScript search method looks for a string and returns the location of its match. The value to search for can be a string or a regular expression. If the occurrence…
JavaScript search method looks for a string and returns the location of its match. The value to search for can be a string or a regular expression. If the occurrence…
The JavaScript replace method is used on strings to replace one or more values. The syntax is therefore the following: string.replace (value, newValue). Then the method accepts two mandatory parameters,…
The JavaScript lastIndexOf method can be used, as well as indexOf, with both arrays and strings. In this lesson we will study it by applying it to strings. The syntax…
The JavaScript indexOf method can be used with both arrays and strings. indexOf in this lesson is applied to strings. The syntax of this JavaScript method is therefore the following:…
The JavaScript split method iallows you to split a string based on a separator, save the sub-strings obtained in an array and then return the array thus formed. The syntax…
JavaScript trim method is used to remove whitespace from the beginning and end of a string. Then the trim() method cleans the string of any blanks entered incorrectly. These characters…
JavaScript substring method applies to strings to extrapolate a portion of them. substring follows the syntax: string.substring(start, end); Where start indicates from which character it must begin, while end indicates…
The toLowerCase in JavaScript is a method useful for converting a string to lowercase and has the following syntax: string.toLowerCase(); Where string represents the string to convert to lowercase. Also…
JavaScript toUpperCase is a method when it is useful to want to turn all text into uppercase. This method can be applied to a string and has the following syntax:…
In JavaScript the console.log () method displays a message in the browser console. This message can be a simple text string or one or more variables or even a JavaScript…
In JavaScript the if statement is used to execute different statements based on conditions. It is possible, but it is not mandatory to insert the else, as I will explain…
In this lesson we study the instruction if else in JavaScript and we will do some pratical examples of use. Recall that conditional statements allow you to check a condition,…
In this article we will talk about variables in JavaScript and we will also introduce the concept of constant. These are some basic concepts that are important to learn right…
Learn javascript by studying the basic concepts. JavaScript is a language used in client-side web programming. This means that the scripts are interpreted by the web browser on each user’s…
This lesson is an introduction to JavaScript language with propose numerous scripts for each topic covered. Learning the basics of JavaScript with this tutorial will therefore be very simple, creative…
The JavaScript parseInt function is generally used to convert its first argument to an integer. The syntax is therefore the following: parseInt(string, root). Where string represents the string to convert,…
The Math.random function in JavaScript allows you to generate a pseudo-random decimal number between 0 inclusive and 1 excluded. Let’s immediately make an example of using the following function. JavaScript…
JavaScript array includes method allows you to check if an element is present in an array or even in a text string, as explained in this lesson: The syntax…