Python prime numbers from 2 to N
In the previous Python lesson we studied prime numbers, here is the link of the lesson. Now we will develop a Python algorithm for prime numbers from 2 to N.…
In the previous Python lesson we studied prime numbers, here is the link of the lesson. Now we will develop a Python algorithm for prime numbers from 2 to N.…
In this lesson we will study indefinite loop in Python, that is loops where the number of iterations is not known at the beginning of the loop. Let’s take some…
In this lesson we will make a program on friendly numbers in Python, in order to practice with iterative structures. Recall that two numbers are said to be friendly if…
In this lesson we will develop the Euclidean algorithm in Python. Euclid’s algorithm is a method used to find the greatest common divisor between two integers. By greatest common factor,…
The append method in Python, discussed in the last lesson, is used to insert items at the end of a list. The syntax of this method is as follows: list.append…
Let’s create a program on prime numbers in Python using the iterative structures studied so far, in order to deepen them. So, let’s remember the definition of prime number: A…
Let’s improve our knowledge in Python with some while loop exercises. In particular, today we will face an exercise that also deals with the exchange of variables as a topic.…
In this tutorial we will make the number guessing game in Python, also known as the high-low game. That is, let’s imagine that the computer thinks a number in a…
In this lesson, I propose an exercise that still uses the method Python insert. Python Insert – First exercise Insert 20 random numbers from 50 to 150 at the top…
In this Python lesson we will give some for loop examples, in order to better understand how it works and develop logical thinking. Python for loop examples – first example…
In Python how can we add elements to a list? We have already said that we can use various methods, in this lesson we will see practical examples. Exercise –…
I propose other exercises with the while in Python before moving on to other arguments. While exercises Python – First exercise Take 15 numbers as input and calculate the average.…
In Python the count method on the list data structure is used to count the number of occurrences of an element in the main list, but not within any sublists.…
Il metodo count sulla struttura dati list in Python serve a contare il numero delle occorrenze di un elemento nella lista principale, ma non all’interno di eventuali sottoliste. Se l’elemento…
In Python the len method on the list allows us to get the number of elements in a list, ultimately it indicates the length of a list in Python. The…
You can sort a dictionary in Python by key or by value. Let’s do some practical examples of sorting in Python according to our needs. All the proposed examples can…
Si può ordinare un dizionario in Python per chiave o per valore. Facciamo alcuni esempi pratici di ordinamento in Python in base alle nostre esigenze. Tutti gli esempi proposti possono…
Python continue statement allows us to stop the current iteration to start over from the first statement of the loop (for or while) in which it was entered. Python continue…